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Ashley Robinson wishes the sun would set on the daylight saving debate

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I always thought that southerners migrating to our part of the world have an agenda which basically is to drag us backward banana benders around to their way of thinking, which I fail to get my head around.

They want to move here but change what we do to what they do down south, so in my view why not stay where they are?

But it’s not that simple because they like our weather, the price of our real estate (until lately) and less traffic and density, which is all a big plus. The only minus is they have to deal with us.

So once again we have the daylight saving debate come up as more of them come north. The argument gets louder and this one is about having it in the south-east and there is a petition floating around?

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Norfolk Island will swap from NSW to Qld jurisdiction for health and education services from 2022. Picture: Shutterstock

I have to admit this time I am starting to think they are actually smarter than us as the argument by our State Government has always been we can’t have two time zones, which I agree with as do the cows. However, now that we are taking some administrative roles over in Norfolk Island in January it effectively means Queensland has two time zones anyway so the argument doesn’t stack up.

How smart are these people? NSW hands over responsibility for Education and Health to Queensland and all of a sudden expat cockroaches have a solid argument for daylight saving as we will already have two time zones, what a cunning plan?

I know I am backward, but here is my take. Firstly, I feel sorry for Norfolk folk if they are going to be subjected to the same regime as we are; our lot are flat out running our show now.

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But even more of an issue is the fact that the geniuses that are signing the petition thought about how confused the famers and livestock will be on the immediate borders of the SEDLST (sounds like a sexually transmitted disease). Some will be getting milked an hour later than their neighbours, which will be confusing, the roosters will be crowing out of sync and what about the birdlife in general? Then there is night time, that’s even more confusing?

Simply put by a simple soul it is actually ridiculous to contemplate a different time zone in the south-east and that’s without taking into consideration what the extra hours sunlight will do to the curtains (circa Joh Bjelke era). The simple solution is those that want it can basically just head across any border away from Queensland and everyone will be happy.

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